Upload File

You can Email smaller files of size up to 20mb directly to og@osbornegraphics.com.au
For larger files see FTP option below.


Large File Transfer

If you need to transfer large file sizes, you may wish to use the following FTP delivery site. Please compress all of your files into an ARCHIVE, ZIP or SIT file and click on the link provided.
It is a free service, very simple to use and requires only a few steps to upload your file to us.

Click on the Upload File button below.
1. Click on add files
2. Browse to your file/s and add
3. Type in our email address – og@osbornegraphics.com.au
4. Type in your email
5. Add comments/instructions re your requirements and contact details – optional
6. Send.

Files up to 1gb in size

We will receive your files and make contact accordingly.